
The chart below shows data regarding the top ten countries which own combat aircrafts.

Mar 22, 2024 / Latest academic task 1 / 6:26 pm

The chart below shows data regarding the top ten countries which own combat aircrafts.

Information on the leading countries which have combat aircrafts by their own is depicted in the given bar diagram.

Overall, the lion’s share of combat aircraft fleet size is with three countries namely, the USA, China and Russia.

As per the chart, the USA stands at the top of the list, followed by China and Russia respectively. The total number of fighter aircraft America has accounts for 2,826. This is 1,202 more than what China has and 1,235 more than Russia owns.

The next three positions are occupied by India and Korea. When India has 694 of such aircrafts, North Korea has 572 and South Korea has 466 combat aircrafts.

Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Japan stand in the last four positions in the respective order. The total number of such aircrafts Pakistan has accounts for 438, which is 97 more than the combat aircraft fleet size of Egypt. The number of such aircrafts the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Japan have accounts for 325 and 297 respectively.