
The chart below shows the expenditure on education in 10 different countries in 1972 and 1986.

Sep 18, 2022 / Academic / 5:41 pm

The chart below shows the expenditure on education in 10 different countries in 1972 and 1986.

The way in which the expenditure on education differed in ten countries in 1986 when compared to 1972 is depicted in the given chart.

Overall, it is clear that except Oman and Pakistan, all the countries spend less in this sector than the previous year.

As per the chart, in 1972, Bolivia was the country which spent the highest in education sector. This accounted for nearly 33% of their total national budget. However, in 14 years, the share of its allocation fell by nearly 20%. The national shares of education expenditure in Tanzania, Morocco, Burkina Faso and Kenya ranged from 17 to 23% in 1972. In 1986, when Tanzania’s contribution to the sector fell by almost 5%, when it spent only 12% of its total national expenditure, other countries too exhibited a decline of nearly 2%. There was also a decline in the proportions of spending in Malawi, Uganda and Bangladesh. In 1972, these were recorded at 20%, 15% and 12% respectively. When the rate of decline was almost 4% in Malawi and 3% in Bangladesh, the least decline recorded was in Uganda, which was just a per cent.

The exceptions were in Oman and Pakistan between the years. When the share grew from 4% to 12% in Oman, in Pakistan, it was from 2% to 5%.