
The chart below shows the relative percentage of different types of cheese production in the USA in 2012.

Sep 23, 2022 / Academic / 5:52 am

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The chart below shows the relative percentage of different types of cheese production in the USA in 2012.

A comparison on the rate of production of different types of cheese in the USA in 2012 is depicted in the given pie chart.

In general, the production of both Italian and Cheddar cheese varieties were more in the USA than other varieties in the given year.

As per the chart, in 2012, the most produced cheese in America was Cheddar, which contributed to more than a third of the total production (36%). The Italian variety, Mozzarella too had a significant proportion of customers, as evident by its production share in the total. When the share of Mozzarella was 30% out of the total production, the rate of production of other Italian cheese varieties accounted for 9%, as same as the rate of other American cheese varieties.

 It is to be noted that the least produced cheese in America in the year was Swiss, which accounted for just 3% of the total share. The proportion of production of all other varieties was 13%.