
The charts below give information on in-house training courses in a large financial company.

Jun 23, 2021 / Academic / 7:08 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The charts below give information on in-house training courses in a large financial company.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

Information on the annual duration of in-house training courses in a large financial company, along with its employees’ approach towards those is portrayed in the given charts.

Overall, it is clear that the financial company spends most hours in technical training and most of the employees see it as beneficial.

As per the pie chart, most time is dedicated to technical training, which consumes half of 60 hours spent per year. Career-development is the next area, which the company focuses on, spending 15 hours of the total.  This is followed by interpersonal skill development, with duration of 10 hours. Health and safety training is the area in which the least training time is allotted (5 hours).

It is clear from the bar chart that around 75-85% of employees feels that it is important for job. When 85% of secretaries feel so, the rate of managers who think similarly is just 10 less.

However, the proportion of managers who thinks that it is a good excuse for a change and is good for networking is more than the proportion of secretaries who think alike. When the rates of managers who think in these ways are about 65 and 50% respectively, in case of secretaries they are 63 and 43%.

A negligible proportion of company workers consider it as a waste of valuable time.