
The demand for coaching services has grown significantly in the digital age, with online coaching platforms becoming prevalent. Some now feel online coaching is a superior option to in-person coach. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Mar 21, 2024 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 9:52 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The demand for coaching services has grown significantly in the digital age, with online coaching platforms becoming prevalent. Some now feel online coaching is a superior option to in-person coach. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

Write at least 250 words.


It is an undeniable fact that online tutoring has changed the shape of coaching services across the is quite natural to think that the popularity of online coaching has faded off the significance of in-person training. However, I think this is not completely true.


To begin with, the popularity of internet usage has made its footprints in every aspect of human life, and so in the field of education. However, in this particular field, its impact has become more tangible. To be precise, many courses which were unavailable in the geographical locations have become easily accessible to prospective students. In addition, online education could accommodate more number of students, which was traditionally not possible in classroom teaching. Another advantage is that the shorter span of time taken for eligibility checks, enrolments, fee payments, overall course duration, assessments, feedbacks, results and certificates issue. Last but not least, the cost effectiveness has made it even more popular among the students irrespective of age groups. One has to admit that without such a feature, education would have suffered a great setback during the pandemic when in-person training was nearly impossible.


Having understood the huge impact made by online education, one cannot belittle classroom education or in-person training even in this digital world. This is because of its proven standards and professionalism. What makes in-person training unique is the flexibility of teaching based on the core factors such as the topic, level of concentration and understanding of students. Only a professional teacher can modify his teaching style based on such factors, avoid distractions and make the teaching much effective.


To conclude, though online coaching is preferred by an increasing number of students in the current scenario because of multiple factors, one cannot affirm that in-person training is inferior to it.