
The diagram below shows the steps in the process of manufacturing yogurt.

Mar 22, 2023 / Academic / 8:27 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The diagram below shows the steps in the process of manufacturing yogurt.
Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Various stages in a commercial production process of yogurt are sequenced in the given diagram.

It is clear that this seven step process starts with the heating of milk and ends with the distribution of yogurt packets to various destinations.

In the first step, milk is heated in a vessel upto a temperature of 90⁰C for about half an hour. In order to make yogurt thicker, it is recommended to allow milk to remain in vessel more time at this regulated temperature. In the second step, the temperature of this milk is brought down to 44⁰C, and simultaneously, live bacteria is inoculated into the milk.

In the subsequent step, the temperature of milk in the vessel is allowed to fall further to the room temperature and the content is kept undisturbed for around four hours. After this stationary period, it is refrigerated and in the penultimate step, sugar and flavours are added. In the final step, the obtained yogurt is packed in air-tight containers and are dispatched to various destinations.

Word count: 170