
The education you receive from your family is more important than the education you receive from school.  To what extent do you agree with this statement and why?

Jun 29, 2021 / Academic / 6:06 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

 The education you receive from your family is more important than the education you receive from school.

 To what extent do you agree with this statement and why?

 Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

 Write at least 250 words.


 People often place the education which a person acquires from his own family is more crucial than what he gains from school. I can neither support nor oppose the statement as the benefits an individual gets from both types of education are distinct in nature.

 Turning to the type of education which an individual gets from his family, the focus is on the person’s character formation. To be clearer, a child learns basic discipline at his home, which is vital in his future life. Similarly, the essential skills too are taught from the family itself like cooking and grooming, which can help to create a platform of his career, if he is really interested in. Moral education, which is pivotal in today’s life, is not better taught elsewhere other than in a person’s family.

 On the other hand, an individual’s education at school is focused more on academic lessons. To be precise, a student who joins a school receives systematic formal training, on various subjects. This training lays the foundation of a person’s career perspectives. For example, if a school student is interested in Biology, he might opt for medicine or related professions in his future. In fact, it can be said that school education is the real key to secure a good job in a person’s life.

 After analysing both perspectives, it is clear that both types of education are very much significant for any individual. However, it is beneficial for a person in different circumstances.