
The first graph below shows the weight (in tones) of fruit produced by a farm during each month in 2013, and also the amount (in tones) 0f fertilizer used. The second graph shows the volume of rainfall in each month (in millimetres)

Jul 06, 2020 / Academic / 3:43 pm


The given charts show the quantity of fruits produced in relation to the fertilizer used and the volume the volume of rainfall received in 2013.

Overall, it is clear that the fruit production had an active relation with the rainfall received, whereas it has a weaker relation with the amount of fertilizer used.

As per the charts, during the first four months of the year, when there was an increased rainfall (10 to 16 mm), the fruit production stood around 2.5 tonnes, which was comparatively low than the next five months. Between May and September,there was a hike in the production of fruits, and this was from 2.5 to 4.25 tones. In the next three months, the rainfall became heavy again, whereas the production fell substantially to reach almost 2 tones by December.

On the other hand, the fertilizer use spiked just twice in the year, and that was in March and November (0.9 and 0.7 tones). The fruit production was higher between April and September, when the fertilizer use stood under 0.5 tones. However, when it is used in higher amounts (March and November), the production had not increased.

Word count: 180