
The most effective way to solve the current traffic and pollution problems in cities is to encourage people to move from the suburbs or countryside into the city centre. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Oct 29, 2020 / Academic / 5:47 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
The most effective way to solve the current traffic and pollution problems in cities is to encourage people to move from the suburbs or countryside into the city centre. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


It is an undeniable fact that most cities today have bottleneck congestion and pollution. To solve these issues, the best way suggested by some is the movement of people from villages and suburbs to cities. However, I think this measure yields less benefits.

The first reason why I believe this is less productive is because such a measure makes the cities even more congested. When a rural and suburban migration to cities occurs, the population in the cities swells and most cities can hardly bear the consequences of that. Though there will be a considerable decline in the long distance travel, still people have to travel in and around the cities more frequently not only for work, but also for other purposes.

The second reason behind my view is because of the existence of other pro-active measures like carpooling and encouraging public transport. These types of measures can ensure less traffic congestion, pollution and above all, a safe travel. Authorities can restrict private vehicles in certain city spots, where traffic and pollution is higher, and can ban any vehicle from entering the centre of the city. Improving the facilities in the suburban areas and developing satellite towns would be other better options.

I need to admit that if the move is made, it can bring some sorts of benefits. Most cities can cut down the number of transport services to and from the city centre, and this can bring down pollution and traffic to a certain extent. However, when a sizeable proportion of people along with their families move inside the city, the results what we should expect might not be that much positive.

To conclude, though encouraging an urban migration from countryside and suburbs seems to be productive, I think there are more practical ways to address the issues of traffic and pollution in cities.