
The most important consideration when choosing any career or job is having a high income. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

May 07, 2021 / General / 4:46 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

The most important consideration when choosing any career or job is having a high income.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


In this ultra-modern world of uncertainty and cut-throat competition, most people would go for a high income when choosing a job. I definitely think it as an ideal choice in the current scenario.

The prime reason why I align to the view is because of the fact that the necessity of economic independency is crucial in the modern world. To be precise, the world now is undergoing many financial crises including retarded GDP and inflation. Many people are seen struggling to be in a financially secure position, as their expense either equals or exceeds when compared to what they earn. This acts as a vital catalyst to make him search for a well-paid job.

The second reason why support the view is becauseĀ  the job sector today is unstable as there are many instances of job cuts in many organizations without any prior information. A rational employee would therefore try to save as much as money during his service in the firm. This equips him to meet the unprecedented challenges and crises which he might experience later in his work-life.

Finally, the needs and desires of humans are numerous these days when compared to the past. For instance, an increasing proportion of people have access to modern technologies, to where a considerable proportion of their income is diverted. On a whole, to live in a world of updated technology, naturally man has to upgrade his financial status. A feasible way to achieve this is to assume a career with high salary.

To conclude, it is clear that considering the life in the world of economic turmoil, it is wise for a job-seeker to place a high salary over any other factor when assuming a job.

Word count:285