
The table below gives information about UK independent films.

Dec 07, 2021 / Academic / 5:11 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The table below gives information about UK independent films.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.
Write at least 150 words.

Information on the release and sales of tickets of independent films by genre in the UK and Republic of Ireland in 2012 is depicted in the given table.

Overall, of the total releases, significant impacts in the ticket sales based on proportional releases were made by just three genres: comedy, horror and biopic

As per the table, the most releases were drama and documentaries, at 35 each, which were 9 more than comedy, the second next in the table. Horror and thriller accounted for 9.5 and 8.8% of all total releases.

However, comedy films fetched the lion’s share of the ticket sales, with 45.4%, overshadowing drama and documentary films (8.3 and 2.9%). Horror films stood second in this case at 20.2%, whereas only 1.3% of income came from thriller films.

Releases were fewer in case of the other genres (crime, action, romance, biopic and others). When the most among these were from crime and other genres, just one film was released based on biopic. However, it is interesting to note that the income from this lone film was much higher in this group, (9.1% of the total). It is also noted that romantic films were the least profitable type of the released.

Word count: 191