
The table below shows the percentage of the population who rode the bicycles in one town by age group in 2012.

Jan 25, 2021 / Academic / 2:16 am


Classification of those populations who rode bicycle in a town divided by age and gender in 2012 is illustrated in the given table.

Overall, it is clear that the youngest age group preferred to ride bicycles in the particular year, and the females had dominance over males in this.

As per the table, the ride was more common among 0-9 age group, which accounted for just over a half of their population, irrespective of gender. However, there were a slightly higher proportion of females who did ride bicycles in this year (1.3%).

As the age advanced up to 60, the rate of bicycle riders is seen declining. In case of females, this was from 52.5 among the youngest to 13.7, whereas in case of males, this was from 51.2 to 9.3. Among all these age groups, the widest disparity between the genders in case of this rate was in the 10-19 age group, and this was 18.5. When 25.1% of males in this group rode bicycles, the rate was just around 10 in their two higher age groups (20-39 and 40-59).

Unlike the trend, those who were over 60 had a higher proportion of bicycle riders (5% ) compared to their preceding group.

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