
There is some noise problem from the neighbours. Write a letter to your landlord.

Jan 06, 2021 / General / 4:15 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
There is some noise problem from the neighbours. Write a letter to your landlord.
*Explain the problem
*What you tried at your level
*Tell the landlord to take an action
Write at least 150 words.


Dear Ms Maria,

I have been staying in your apartment; ‘The Orchid’ for the past 6 months, and I am writing this letter to request you to take action against the annoyance caused to me from my neighbors.

Since I started hiring apartment number 203F from you last July, you have been very co-operative to me and my family, and we never had raised any complaints regarding the stay. However, for the last couple of weeks, we have been facing some noise problems from our immediate neighbors.

It has been noticed that a lot of visitors hang out in the apartments just opposite to ours till late night. They play music loud, dance and scream, which has made us notify the respective family heads twice regarding the annoyance it causes especially to my children who study at night. However, the issue is yet to be solved.

It would be grateful if you could warn them against these sorts of nuisance at least once, and I believe it would really workout.

I look forward a prompt response on this issue.

Yours sincerely,


Word count: 182