
These days, more and more people eat prepared meals from restaurants and grocery stores instead of cooking for themselves. What do you think are the reasons for this trend? To what extent do you think this is a positive trend?

Dec 19, 2021 / Academic / 3:13 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

These days, more and more people eat prepared meals from restaurants and grocery stores instead of cooking for themselves. What do you think are the reasons for this trend? To what extent do you think this is a positive trend?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.  Write at least 250 words. 


Of late, it is common to see an increasing proportion of people visiting restaurants and grocery stores for food instead of cooking themselves. There are two main reasons behind this, and it does not appear to be a positive trend.

The prime reason behind this trend is the unavailability of time. To be precise, most people today do not have enough time to spare for cooking and doing household chores as they are engaged in their official commitments. The next reason why the trend is gaining popularity is because of the perfection of the prepared food.  The added colours and taste enhancers make people fonder of these food items. Ultimately, people buy these food items more frequently instead of preparing homely food.

When analysing whether the trend is positive or negative, one can see visible benefits of saving time and having quality food. However, the real fact is that these foods are harmful to the health of an individual, if consumed regularly. Life-style diseases like obesity and diabetes are becoming more common because of the popularity of these foods. Another demerit which is evident is the less time the family spend together. When people used to prepare food at their own home, it was a group activity, when more than one family member is involved. Cooking and serving food between members of the family used to strengthen the family bonds, which is now becoming fragile.

To conclude, it is clear that the hectic work schedule of the modern man is the primary factor which makes people to buy food from outside, other than taste. Even though the trend appears to be beneficial, it has some serious hidden dangers which affect the health and social life of a person.

Word count: 288