
Today, some cities are turning public parks and open spaces to gardens for local residents to grow their own fruits and vegetables Do the benefits of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Sep 13, 2022 / Recent IELTS writing task 2 questions / 6:19 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Today, some cities are turning public parks and open spaces to gardens for local residents to grow their own fruits and vegetables Do the benefits of this development outweigh the disadvantages?


It can be seen that some cities are converting public parks and open spaces to places where the local residents can grow fruits and vegetables. Even though this appears to be a positive trend, it tends to bring more negative effects.

The worst problem which is expected by this move is the shrinkage of available spaces for people to play, relax and entertain. To be precise, most modern cities are congested and people living in these urban places consider open spaces and parks as a second home. While children utilize this spaces for play, older adults relax in these places. Similarly public events and social gatherings are often organized in these spaces. On a whole, these places play an inevitable role in almost every city dweller’s life.

Another issue is the inappropriate result. To be clearer, the city authorities initiate this move to encourage people to be self-sufficient in agriculture and to provide them organic fruits and vegetables. However, the number of beneficiaries of this move is limited to a smaller social circle. In short, if such a move is initiated, it is not only less-productive, but also detrimental to the urban population.

I admit that the provision of converting some unused open spaces in cities to gardens is a justifiable move. Nevertheless, in most cities such available spaces are fewer in number.

To conclude, though the intention of converting parks and open spaces to fruits and vegetable gardens is good, it is to be understood that this is not only less beneficial, but also causes more trouble.

Word count: 258