
Tourism is always a force for good which enables people of different nationalities to understand each other. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Oct 02, 2020 / Academic / 2:13 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Tourism is always a force for good which enables people of different nationalities to understand each other. To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.


There exists a view that international tourism always opens the doors for people of different nationalities to understand each other. Not many can accept this as it is and so do I.

To begin, when cultures do contact with each other, there emerges some potential negatives and this should not be unseen. For instance, when ‘culturally advanced people’ visit the remote and ecologically fragile areas of the world, their stay can be annoying for both the social and environmental well-being of the local community. There are also numerous examples of tensions between tourists and local cultures, which can even question the existence of tourism. In such cases, it actually leads to resentment and distrust between nationalities, not better understanding.

Another reason to be wary of this idea is the economic aspect as it is often said that tourism deteriorates international relations. Instead of encouraging the flow of money from wealthy to weaker nations, the wealth generated from it usually stays in the hands of private companies or local officials. To make a positive impact, the money should drip down to the local population. However, a number of hotels and resorts are seen confining to specific tourist destinations and many tourists leave these places with an impression that their stay has contributed nothing to the lives of the local community..

This is not to say that tourism can never bring people of diverse cultures together. There are many who have reaped the benefits of cordial relationships between nationalities, but to say that it is ‘always a force for good’ is to ignore the various problems it causes.

To conclude, though tourism brings notable benefits in the area of cultural understanding and exchange, I do think this would not happen always.