
What is technology for the environment; a destructive force or a solution? Do we need to stop using technology to save the environment? Why or why not?

Jan 05, 2021 / General / 4:52 pm

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
What is technology for the environment; a destructive force or a solution? Do we need to stop using technology to save the environment?
Why or why not?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


There is no doubt that technology has made man more civilized. However, if asked whether it is a destructive or a constructive force, many find it difficult to answer, and if asked whether it should be halted to save the environment, I should say ‘no’.

When the positive aspects of technology are analyzed, it is clear that each segment of human life benefits from it. It may be beneficial to a housewife when it gives her assistance for fastening her household chores. At the same time, a space explorer too benefits from it when it helps him in advanced calculations. However, it has an ugly face too. Firstly, the over-dependence of technology makes man lazier. This would harm his physical and intellectual potentials. Another issue is that as there is more technology, the environment would be affected more adversely.

Considering the protection of environment, it is often argued by some that technological development should not be at the cost of environment. I do think it is true to an extent, because for technological development, the ecosystem is imbalanced in an unparalleled manner. Deforestation, land filling, altering the natural habitat of animals are some among the damages which man does to advance his technological desires.

At the same time, one has to understand that technological development is inevitable for the human progress. In other words, without technology, the life of the people would be miserable, and this is because technology is the only solution in front of humans to solve his problems and to fulfil his desires. Therefore, halting technological progress to save the environment would be catastrophic. Instead sustainable technological development is more acceptable.

To conclude, the question whether technology is destructive or constructive would remain intact in the minds of many, and I think arresting technological progress to save the environment is an unwise idea.