
With access to the internet and social media websites, many children are exposed to a number of dangerous situations. Adults should thus limit access to the internet for their children. Do you agree or disagree?

Sep 21, 2020 / General / 7:12 am

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
With access to the internet and social media websites, many children are exposed to a number of dangerous situations. Adults should thus limit access to the internet for their children.
Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.


As internet is expanding its access to a wider range of people, it is found that many children are becoming more vulnerable to extremely dangerous situations, especially via the social media websites. In view of the above, it is argued that parental restrictions should be made mandatory to such children. I too think this is true in almost all cases.

One of the cardinal reasons why I support the argument is that most children might not have attained emotional maturity to handle risk-prone situations, which they are most likely to get exposed online. For instance, there are many children today, who access the internet without any parental restrictions. In addition, such children may not have received any formal instructions from their parents or teachers regarding safe internet usage. Even if they receive such instructions, they might hardly adhere to those. This makes them vulnerable to dangerous situations, which they might have never expected.

Another factor which one should consider is that there are numerous anti-social elements, whose targets are mainly children. They might hike the curiosity levels among children by means of virtual games, for example, and this may freeze their emotions, and eventually they become irresponsible or even extremely harmful citizens in the society. Therefore, a strong parental supervision is needed to those children who have easy access to the net.

I admit the fact that the internet is a key to open the doors of immense opportunities for children, and in this competitive world, the positive curiosity of children should not be slowed down by means of these types of restrictions. However, considering the vulnerability to catastrophes, I do recommend an elderly supervision.

In conclusion, though internet avails children numerous benefits, I think, an adult supervision is highly recommended to evade undesirable effects stemming from its usage.