
You have a friend who lives in a city abroad. You have decided that you would like to apply to do a course at one of the colleges in that city. Write to your friend explaining what you would like to do.

Mar 29, 2021 / General / 4:27 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have a friend who lives in a city abroad. You have decided that you would like to apply to do a course at one of the colleges in that city. Write to your friend explaining what you would like to do.
In your letter:
 Tell him/her of your plans
 Tell him/her what type of work or studies you have been doing recently

 And ask for help in contacting a college.
Write at least 150 words.


Dear Alfred,

It is been long since I wrote to you. Hope you are in sound health.

I’m extremely happy to tell you that I will be graduated on 25 of this month. As you know, I’ve been doing my under graduation in developmental psychology in the University of Athabasca.

You know that children are my weakness, and that is why I focused on child psychology during my under graduate studies. My specific area of interest is behavioral modifications among school children, and I’m very much interested to pursue a post-graduation in that at the Cambridge University. Can you help me to gather information about colleges under Cambridge which offer such specialization?

It is unfair to trouble you at this time as you are busy with your final year projects. But I’m pretty sure that you will find some time to make an enquiry on the colleges which offer my intended specialization. I think you can spare a day for me for this and forward me the details.
Convey my regards to your parents and brother.

Hope we can meet as soon as I join the college.

Best regards


Word count: 188