
You have purchased some goods from a company and the goods were supposed to be delivered within three days of purchase. Seven days have already gone and you have not received the products yet. Write a letter to a company manager with whom you arranged the delivery of goods.

Oct 27, 2021 / General / 3:35 am

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You have purchased some goods from a company and the goods were supposed to be delivered within three days of purchase. Seven days have already gone and you have not received the products yet.

Write a letter to a company manager with whom you arranged the delivery of goods. In your letter:

  • inform him/her what items you have purchased
  • ask the reason for the delay in delivery
  • suggest what can be done about the matter

Write at least 150 words.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to enquire about the reason for the delay in the delivery of the furniture which I ordered from your store.


It was on 22nd of this month, I had purchased three pieces of furniture from your shop: ‘The Wooden Wonder’. The order number is GT56432 and it included a set of dining table, a sofa and an office chair. The payment was made in person at the cash counter, and at that time, your delivery head told me that the goods will reach my home by 25th.


I would like to enquire the reason why the delivery is delayed even after seven days of my order. I acknowledge that there were some problems with the logistic services as the drivers protested for a hike in salary. However, I came to know that the issue is resolved.


It would be appreciated if you could intimate me the exact reason for the delay. If there would be a further delay of more than a week, I would like to cancel the shipment and can opt for the refund.


I look forward to hearing from you at the earliest.


Yours faithfully,
