
Your child is going on a school trip abroad for three days and the headmaster of the school has asked any parents if they would like to come along to assist. You would like to go. Write a letter to the headmaster.

Feb 29, 2024 / General / 8:04 pm

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

Your child is going on a school trip abroad for three days and the headmaster of the school has asked any parents if they would like to come along to assist. You would like to go. Write a letter to the headmaster. In your letter, say:

  • Why you would like to go?
  • Suggest what you could do to help during the trip?
  • Ask some further questions about the trip?


Write at least 150 words.


Dear Ms Claire,


I am writing to express my willingness to join the school trip which is planned to Sweden from the school on this month end.


I am the father of Kia who is in primary 7. Many of her friends live in my community and none of their parents are available to assist the group during the trip. As I have a week annual holiday that time, they suggested me to join the trip, to which I agreed.


I learned that the three day trip includes visits to Liseberg Amusement Park, Stockholm and Smaland, which would be a great fun for our children. Being a doctor, I could supervise them to be safe while in their trip and can attend an emergency in case it happens. Moreover, I had visited Stockholm earlier, and this would help me to guide the group in that city.


Before I conclude, I would like to clarify whether the children can be divided into smaller groups, each under a teacher’s supervision. I would also like to ask regarding the provision of updating the parents of children about their general status and locations at least thrice a day.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Albert